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Gran Lattissima is the perfect choice for a cappucinno, latte, flat white or adding milk froth to your coffee.  It is very easy to use with a one touch system and it can be cleans up between two recipes preparation as it comes with a easy rinsing system.

Gran Lattissima is the perfect choice for a cappucinno, latte, flat white or adding milk froth to your coffee.  It is very easy to use with a one touch system and it can be cleans up between two recipes preparation as it comes with a easy rinsing system.

Range of Barista Recipes

One can create a full range of Barista recipes with a single touch of a button. With six different milk recipes enjoy the complete coffee shop experience at the comfort of your home. The following are the coffee shop recipes with a finger touch. They are Ristretto, Espresso, Lungo, Cappucinno, Flat White, Latte Macchiatto, Cale Latte, Milk foam.

No Extra Effort

Usually when one thinks of more recipes the idea that prevails is that it means more effort. However, this is not the case with Gran Lattissima. Depending on your mood of whether you want to have a cappucinno, latte or just add milk froth all you have to do is say the word and Gran Lattissima does the work.

Cleaning Process

Being dishwasher safe, it can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher or with hands when dishwasher is not available after disassembling the Rapid Cappucinno system.

Descale the machine

Based on the consumption and hardness of water, the machine will trigger a descaling alert which is visible on the top of the machine.

Experience the highest quality coffee to create a wide range of authentic flavors.

By Gurjeet Singh 0 comment


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